We Are No Bargain

I have a sickness. It is called suckerforabargain-itis. Raise your hand if you love a good bargain. I will literally struggle SO HARD to NOT buy something that I will never use, and may even find unattractive if it is a super-crazy bargain. My rationalizations for such absurd purchases are:

1) I will never have this chance again.

2) I can sell this and make so much money!

3) I can give it as a gift (even when I have no one in particular in mind).

4) I may use it someday.

My husband and I once came upon a yacht for sale for $50,000 on a close-out buy-out of someone going bankrupt. It was worth $250,000! I’m pretty sure that if I had had $50K, I would own that thing right now.

Bargains are enticing for sure. But they are usually bargains for a reason. I used to own a little boat. To store and maintain the insides and outside of the boat was not cheap. Additionally, the gas to run it is twice what gas costs for your car because they’ve got you if you are out on the water and need gas. There are so many costs behind the item itself.

I love going to garage sales and estate sales. Bargain bingo. You can find the best treasures, usually for good deals. As the saying goes, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” It’s interesting, though, how the most valuable things in our lives are often worth nothing to others. The last thing left in any sale:

(a) Handmade items from a loved one out of their hearts, their time, and their creativity

(b) Pictures that commemorate treasured times and places with those we chose to be with

(c) Heirlooms that represent hard work, sacrifice, and honor allowing us to be where we are today

These items may be worthless to others but possess the highest emotional currency by the owner. WE are that treasured thing to Jesus! In this day and age where respect for one another is often overshadowed by our desire to be right, or superior, or powerful, or popular, we negate the value of our fellow earth trekkers. Some people do not even value life – their own or the lives of others. Jesus gave everything He had, including His very life, for us, every individual, whom He formed by His hand (Psalm 119: 13-16). He gave us access to PURPOSE for this life, and to ETERNITY so that our life might continue. Why? Because we are THAT VALUABLE to Him!! Sometimes we question God’s love, perfection, and care when we see someone fashioned in a way that our eyes don’t deem valuable. That is the beauty of our Creator. He values what we do not, and sees the heart behind the skin covering.

I was listening to some songs by a band that I love named Rend Collective. The byline to their Album named after them is “Homemade Worship for Handmade People.” Perfect! Just as we value handmade items made just for us by loved ones, we are each handmade by our Creator and He adores our worship! Worship of Him shows our commitment, appreciation, respect, adoration, and love.

The Lord is pleased with those who worship him and trust his love” (Psalm 147:11)

“Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Hebrews 13:15-16

We were not a bargain to Jesus. We were handmade, loved intensely, sacrificed for, and have eternal hope of life forever with Him. He will never throw us away or disregard us because we are precious and special to Him no matter what those around us say. It is only fitting that we give all of our praise to the One who will always see and appreciate our value and love us no matter how many chips and dings we have inside and out. We are priceless treasures!!


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