In seven days from now, the moment will finally arrive when children will leap from their beds and head to the place in their homes where gifts will be waiting. For many adults, this day brings a sense of relief because they have had to:

  1. Hide the gifts so that their children do not touch them.
  2. Put together something that you had hoped came assembled.
  3. Withhold information about the gifts like it was the password to access fort Knox.
  4. Wait three to six months to present a gift that you know your child will love (this was never me)


Regardless of what may be the reason that some parents will have a sense of relief, I have learned that most adults hope to hear two words, “Thank You.” What is so fascinating to me, is that those two words have a way of communicating so much to the gift giver. One, it is an acknowledgement of the effort that went into getting, wrapping, and placing the gift in a place that could be found. Depending on the gift, that process could have been very extensive. Two, it expresses the appropriate sentiment between two parties when something is exchanged. Thirdly, it just makes the giver feel good.

Today, seven days before Christmas, I would like to pause and say thank you to Stacey Thompson for being a “gift” from the Lord. She is the Prayer Coordinator for Resurgence, who has chosen to make herself available specifically to listen and pray for our team. Her role has been such an invaluable component in building the health and camaraderie of the team. If you have a company, organization, or ministry team that you can invite someone to focus specifically on the those employed or serving, find a person like Stacey immediately.

Stacey also serves as our Monday Motivation Blogger. I had asked her to consider the role, because I sensed the Lord challenging me as the President, to live out Matthew 6:33 which states, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else (first), and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” So, I decided that the first thing that was sent out each week had to be pointing people back to Jesus and Stacey was the person to do it. What I did not know was that it was something that she had aspired to do. Also, what I did not know but learned from her mom, that this had been a part of her “gifting that she was to share with others. So, since January 2021, she has labored tirelessly each week in prayer, study, writing, and rewriting her blogs. She also has a wonderful support team that reads, edits, and even substitutes so that we can have a gift sitting in our inbox pointing us back to Jesus. Thank you!

Last week I was sharing with her the open rates from the first month and this past month. It went from 15% to an average of 42% which I have learned is good. Amen! Considering that change, I would like to say thank you too for opening and reading her blogs. It is a gift to the both of us knowing that people are being pointed back to Jesus each week.

I have one simple request of you before you get back to your regularly scheduled program today. If one of her blogs has encouraged you, can you take 3 minutes and send her an email and let her know. Her email is She has no idea what I am writing today, but I know an email from you would be a gift for my beloved friend. Thank you!

On behalf of the board, team, mentors, and families of Resurgence, Merry Christmas and we love you.